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10,000 HOURS


What is 10,000 Hours?

10,000 Hours is a program that was created in 2011 by Julia Morales in New York. The purpose is to give more opportunities to students to practice their craft without breaking their budget. 


How does a practice session work?

A practice session coach volunteers two hours of their time to lead warm ups and give constructive feedback to participants. Most practice sessions consist of warm up exercises, two person scenes, and/or performing a montage.


Are these classes?

No. These are simply practice sessions that are supplemental. Think of it like a coached improv jam.


How long are practice sessions?

Practice sessions are two hours.


Where are the practice sessions?

Because Stepping Stone Theater doesn’t have a physical space yet, we will be using spaces throughout the Chicago area to make it more accessible to as many people as possible. When a participant signs up for a session, information about the location will appear on the sign up form. You will also receive a confirmation email the night before the practice session you signed up for. 


How much does it cost?

$3 suggested donation or donate what you can.


What if I can’t donate anything?

If you can’t make a donation, we still recommend that you please sign up and join the practice session. We want to make this program accessible to as many people as possible. Everyone deserves to play!


What forms of donations do you accept?

You can give cash or donate via Venmo on the day of your session. If you’re using cash, exact change is preferred. 


Can I pay more than the $3 suggested donation?

Of course. This will give more opportunities to other students to attend practice sessions. 


Can I pay in advance?

Donations in advance are not accepted for practice sessions. However, you can always donate to our nonprofit organization by visiting our website at  


What does my donation go toward?

Your donation goes toward programming at Stepping Stone Theater. We hope to build enough funds to eventually have our own space and make studying comedy accessible to lots of people. 


Where do I sign up for a practice session?

You can sign up on our website on the 10,000 Hours page. Please be sure to double check your email address when signing up because we will be sending out confirmation emails the night before the practice session. 


I’ve never taken improv before. Can I still attend?

Unfortunately, no. Practice sessions are for current, former, and students in between classes looking to get reps. We’d love to have you but we recommend that you take classes first.


What should I wear or bring?

Wear clothing that you can comfortably move around in. To avoid injuries, please do not wear open toed shoes, sandals, or flip flops. Please bring a water bottle. Stay hydrated!


What if I need to cancel my practice session?

Please email and let us know. That way we can inform the coach as soon as possible.


I’m interested in coaching a practice session. What should I do?

Fantastic! Complete the form on our 10,000 Hours page and someone will reach out to you to set up a virtual meeting with Julia Morales. 


Can I show up after the practice session starts?

Yes. If you’re running late, you are welcome to still join in. Please email and let us know that you will be late. This way we can notify the practice session coach. 


Will you send out confirmation emails?

Yes. Confirmation emails are sent out the night before a practice session. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email, we probably don’t have the correct email address for you or didn’t receive your sign up. 


I’m feeling sick but I really want to attend a practice session. What should I do?

Please stay home. Put your health first and get better. There will be plenty of practice sessions in the future for you to attend. 


What if someone makes me uncomfortable during a practice session?

Please notify your coach immediately if someone is making you feel uncomfortable. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to the coach, please reach out to Julia Morales at as soon as possible. 


Will there be other types of 10,000 Hours sessions?

YES! We will be offering other forms of practice sessions that won’t just be improv. Be on the lookout for more information from us at or sign up for our newsletter for regular updates.

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